Prikaz vseh 8 rezultatov

Zobozdravnik Spojke za Turbines

(3) 204,88  brez DDV
(1) 144,00  brez DDV

Hitre spojke

Hitra spojka za NSK®

120,00  - 133,50  brez DDV
Ta izdelek ima več različic. Možnosti lahko izberete na strani izdelka
130,33  - 146,72  brez DDV
Ta izdelek ima več različic. Možnosti lahko izberete na strani izdelka

F.A.Q - Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

All Dental Handpiece Coupling are 100% compatible A dental handpiece turbine quick coupling is a device used in dentistry to connect a dental handpiece to an air or water supply. Dental Quick Coupling for Dental High Speed Handpiece Advantages Using a Quick Coupling with a Dental High-Speed Handpiece offers several advantages: Time-Saving: Quick Couplings allow for fast and effortless connection and disconnection of the handpiece, saving valuable time during procedures and facilitating efficient instrument changes. Convenience: With a Quick Coupling, dental professionals can easily switch between different handpieces without the need for complex assembly or disassembly processes. This enables seamless transitions between various procedures, enhancing workflow and productivity. Versatility: Quick Couplings are compatible with a wide range of dental handpieces, providing flexibility in instrument selection and allowing for customized setups based on specific treatment needs. Durability: High-quality Dental Couplings are designed to withstand frequent usage and provide long-term durability. They are engineered to withstand the rigors of dental practice and maintain reliable connections over time. Infection Control: Quick Couplings with proper hygiene features, such as anti-retraction valves or sterilizable components, aid in infection control by preventing the backflow of contaminants into the dental unit waterlines. Improved Ergonomics: Quick Couplings contribute to a comfortable and ergonomic working environment by minimizing strain on the hand and wrist during instrument changes. They promote smooth transitions, reducing the risk of hand fatigue or repetitive strain injuries. Overall, the use of Quick Couplings in Dental High-Speed Handpieces streamlines workflow, saves time, ensures compatibility with various instruments, and enhances infection control measures. These advantages contribute to a more efficient and comfortable dental practice experience for both clinicians and patients. The quick coupling is typically attached to the dental unit and features two main components: the male connector and the female connector. The male connector is located on the dental handpiece and consists of a small, threaded post that fits into the quick coupling. The female connector is located on the dental unit and is designed to fit snugly around the male connector. When the two connectors are brought together, they lock in place, creating a secure connection between the handpiece and the dental unit. One of the key advantages of a dental handpiece's quick coupling is that it allows for quick and easy attachment and detachment of the handpiece. This can be particularly useful in a busy dental practice where clinicians need to move quickly from one patient to another. In addition, many dental handpiece quick couplings also feature a swivel joint, which allows the handpiece to rotate 360 degrees while still remaining connected to the dental unit. This can help to reduce the risk of tangling or twisting the air and water supply hoses. Overall, the dental handpiece quick coupling is a simple but essential device in the dental setting, helping to facilitate the efficient and effective use of dental handpieces in patient care. Buy on our online store Dental Handpiece Highspeed Coupling manufactured in Europe with a Warranty of 12 months!
All Dental Handpiece Quick Couplings are manufactured in Europe.
Katere prevoznike za pošiljanje uporablja Dental Rotors? Vsa naročila pošiljamo prek FedExa ali UPS, da zagotovimo pravočasno in zanesljivo dostavo. Kako dolgo traja dostava v Evropi? Dostava po Evropi običajno traja od 3 do 7 delovnih dni. Kako dolgo traja dostava za mednarodna naročila? Za dostavo po vsem svetu zunaj Evrope je predviden čas dostave od 4 do 9 dni. Ali lahko spremljam svoje naročilo? Da, ko bo vaše naročilo odpremljeno, boste prejeli številko za sledenje, s katero lahko spremljate stanje dostave. Ali pošiljate v vse države? Da, Dental Rotors dostavlja v Evropo in preostali svet s pomočjo naših zaupanja vrednih prevoznikov, FedEx in UPS.
Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete visokohitrostne ročne nastavke, nizkohitrostne ročne nastavke ali laboratorijske ročne nastavke, so naši deli in orodja izdelani tako, da izpolnjujejo najvišje industrijske standarde glede vzdržljivosti, funkcionalnosti in estetike. Naši natančno izdelani nadomestni deli se brez težav združujejo z obstoječimi zobozdravstvenimi ročniki ter zagotavljajo optimalno delovanje in dolgotrajne rezultate. Bodite prepričani, da bodo naši zobozdravstveni nadomestni deli trajali enako dolgo kot originalni. Z izbiro naših vrhunskih zobozdravstvenih nadomestnih delov lahko zobozdravstveni delavci z zaupanjem zagotavljajo izjemno oskrbo, obnavljajo ustno zdravje pacientov in pomlajujejo njihove nasmehe. Za vse naše dele in orodja nudimo polno 6mesečno garancijo.
V podjetju Dental Rotors si prizadevamo za vaše popolno zadovoljstvo. Če želite vrniti izdelek, si preberite naš spodnji pravilnik o vračilu: Upravičenost do vračila: - Izdelki morajo biti neuporabljeni in ne smejo biti vstavljeni v delujočo ročico. - Vračila sprejemamo v 30 dneh po dostavi za zamenjavo ali vračilo denarja. Postopek vračila: 1. Prepričajte se, da so deli neuporabljeni in v originalnem stanju. 2. Predmete varno zapakirajte za vračilo. Naslov za vračilo Vračila pošljite na naslednji naslov: MEDDYS SNC Na naslovu. Saca Eugeniu Via Bologna 10 Bovezzo BS 25073 Italija Kontaktni podatki: - E-naslov: - Telefon: +39 030 7777 364 Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja ali potrebujete dodatno pomoč, se brez oklevanja obrnite na našo službo za pomoč strankam.